Jun 14 – 18, 2021
Online Workshop
Europe/Rome timezone

KWISP - Latest results on the chameleon hunt at the CAST experiment at CERN

Jun 15, 2021, 5:40 PM
Online Workshop

Online Workshop


Justin Baier (University of Freiburg)


The KWISP (Kinetic Weakly Interacting Slim Particle) detector is part of the CAST experiment at CERN exploring the dark sector. It utilizes an ultra-sensitive optomechanical force sensor searching for solar chameleons. Chameleons are hypothetical scalar particles postulated as dark energy candidates, which have a direct coupling to matter depending on the local matter density. Considering these characteristics a flux of solar chameleons hitting a solid surface at grazing incidence will, under certain conditions, reflect and exert the equivalent of radiation pressure on the surface. To exploit this trait the KWISP sensor consists of a thin and rigid dielectric membrane placed inside a resonant optical cavity. The detector setup and the latest results will be presented in this talk.

Speaker Justin Baier on behalf of the CAST collaboration.

Primary author

Justin Baier (University of Freiburg)

Presentation materials