Jun 14 – 18, 2021
Online Workshop
Europe/Rome timezone

Effects of a hidden photon-dark matter background in axion-photon interactions

Jun 14, 2021, 4:40 PM
Online Workshop

Online Workshop


Prof. Paola Arias Reyes


In this work we investigate a scenario where the dark matter of the universe is made of light hidden photons. Thanks to a $Z_{2}$ symmetry, the kinetic mixing with the photon is forbidden and the dark photon interacts with the Standard Model only via an axion-like particle, that acts as a messenger. Focusing on signatures involving the ordinary photon, our survey of the phenomenology includes limits from cosmological stability, CMB distortions, astrophysical energy loss, light-shining-through-walls experiments, helioscopes and solar X-ray observations.

Speaker Paola Arias Reyes

Primary author

Prof. Paola Arias Reyes

Presentation materials