14–18 Jun 2021
Online Workshop
Europe/Rome timezone

The DMRadio Program

14 Jun 2021, 17:20
Online Workshop

Online Workshop


Reyco Henning (UNC Chapel Hill)


DMRadio, which now includes the ABRACADABRA collaboration, is a multi-detector program to search for axion dark matter (aDM) with mass below 1 𝜇eV using a lumped-element resonator. DMRadio-50L is a toroidal detector that will probe aDM over the range 20 peV$\lt m_a\lt $ 20 neV down to photon couplings of $g_{a\gamma\gamma} > 5\times10^{-15}\,\mathrm{GeV}^{-1}$. It is currently under construction and will also serve as a testbed for acceleration with quantum sensors. DMRadio-m3, which is in the design phase, will have a larger magnet and be sensitive to aDM in the QCD axion band from 20 neV $\lt m_a \lt$ 0.8 𝜇eV. We are also pursuing the development of a future search for GUT-scale QCD axions with masses down to 1 neV, called DMRadio-GUT. In this talk I will give an overview of the DMRadio program, design considerations, and schedule. I will also present recent results from ABRACADABRA.

Speaker Reyco Henning

Primary author

Reyco Henning (UNC Chapel Hill)

Presentation materials