Jun 14 – 18, 2021
Online Workshop
Europe/Rome timezone

Searches for high frequency axions at IBS/CAPP

Jun 17, 2021, 3:25 PM
Online Workshop

Online Workshop


Junu Jeong (IBS/CAPP)


Multiple-cell cavities were designed by IBS/CAPP to access high frequency regions while maximally utilizing the volume of a given solenoid for cavity haloscopes. We conducted the first multiple-cell haloscope experiment, CAPP-9T MC, using a double-cell cavity mounted in JANIS He-3 cryogenic system equipped with a 9T superconducting magnet. We obtained a new limit for $g_{a\gamma\gamma}$ that is about 5 times better than the previous limit over the axion mass range between 13$\,\mu$eV and 13.9$\,\mu$eV from data acquired for about 19 days. The experiment has successfully demonstrated that this unique cavity design is capable of exploring high frequency regions more efficiently. IBS-CAPP plans to install quad-cell, sext-cell, and octa-cell cavities to search for axions at even higher frequencies in the near future.

Speaker Jeong, Junu

Primary authors

Junu Jeong (IBS/CAPP) Prof. Sungwoo Youn (IBS/CAPP and UST) Mr Sungjae Bae (KAIST and IBS/CAPP) Dr Jihngeun Kim (IBS/CAPP) Mr Taehyeon Seong (IBS/CAPP) Prof. Jihn E. Kim (Kyung Hee University) Yannis Semertzidis (Brokhaven National Laboratory)

Presentation materials