Jun 14 – 18, 2021
Online Workshop
Europe/Rome timezone

Direct detection of WIMPs of arbitrary spin

Jun 14, 2021, 3:50 PM
Online Workshop

Online Workshop


Prof. Paolo Gondolo (University of Utah)


There is no compelling reason for dark matter particles to be elementary, or for their spin to be limited to 0, 1/2, or 1. Composite dark matter, for example, or mirror dark matter, or molecular dark matter with suppressed lower multipoles, may interact with nuclei through high spin operators. I will present a systematic approach to characterize the most general non-relativistic WIMP-nucleus interaction allowed by Galilean invariance for a WIMP of arbitrary spin, and a first phenomenological analysis of the direct detection of high-spin dark matter, in particular quadrupolar, octupolar, and hexadecapolar dark matter.

Speaker Paolo Gondolo

Primary authors

Dr Gaurav Tomar (Technische Universität München) Mr Injun Jeong (Sogang University) Prof. Paolo Gondolo (University of Utah) Prof. Stefano Scopel (Sogang University) Mr Sunghyun Kang (Sogan University)

Presentation materials