This workshop focuses on the state of the art and the future developments in Cherenkov light imaging techniques for applications in High Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics and Astroparticle Physics, with particular attention to the high pixelation photosensor approach using small PMTs and its application in neutrino detection. The topics of the Workshop will be:
- Recent progress of the PMT developments
- High-voltage generation, electronic read-out and signal processing
- multi-PMT systems for photodetection
- Calibration systems
- Simulation and Results from experiments taking data
- Low Background Materials and Assay
- Industrial Session
- Available facilities for tests
Meeting structure
The Workshop will have plenary sessions with invited talks giving a broad overview of the topics of the Workshop and selected contributed talks on more specific subjects of general interest. Researchers willing to present the latest results on topics related to the main topic of the workshop are invited to submit an abstract (max 2000 words) to the organizers (send mail). The proposal will be submitted to a selection committee before acceptance.
The deadline for abstracts submission is February 5.
A special area will be dedicated to poster contributions, which can be visited during the Workshop. The poster sessions will be held to give participants the opportunity to show their work. The abstract submission for the poster session can be made sending an email to the organizers (send mail). The deadline forapplications of poster presentations is February 15.