8–10 Jul 2019
Cittadella dei Musei
Europe/Rome timezone

Improving the perturbative accuracy of TMD PDF extractions: preliminary results

8 Jul 2019, 14:25
Aula Rossa (Cittadella dei Musei)

Aula Rossa

Cittadella dei Musei

Piazza Arsenale 1, Cagliari


Chiara Bissolotti (P)


In this contribution we present our recent preliminary results on the extraction of the unpolarised transverse-momentum dependent (TMD) parton distribution functions (PDFs) from a study of Drell-Yan and Z-boson production data. We consider a wide dataset that includes low-energy data from the FNAL and high-energy data from Tevatron and the LHC. In particular, we highlight the challenges of including the most recent LHC data and theoretical uncertainties in the analysis.

Primary authors

Valerio Bertone (Università degli studi di Pavia) Chiara Bissolotti (P)

Presentation materials