8–10 Jul 2019
Cittadella dei Musei
Europe/Rome timezone

TMDs from SIDIS data: role of different choices in phenomenological analyses

8 Jul 2019, 12:10
Aula Rossa (Cittadella dei Musei)

Aula Rossa

Cittadella dei Musei

Piazza Arsenale 1, Cagliari


Carlo Flore (CA)


In this talk we will assess the role of the different choices on TMD functions parametrisations in phenomenological analyses.

As an example, the latest Sivers extraction from SIDIS data is presented. Motivated by the latest COMPASS measurement, a new, thorough study of uncertainties affecting the extracted quark Sivers function, along with a critical assessment of visibility of TMD signals in SIDIS data, has been performed. We will see that, even within a simple and transparent parametrisation, a satisfactory description of experimental data is obtained.

Finally, a preliminary study on transversity function and its impact on the tensor charge will be discussed.

Primary author


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