8–10 Jul 2019
Cittadella dei Musei
Europe/Rome timezone

Probing gluon TMDs through quarkonia production

10 Jul 2019, 11:20
Aula Rossa (Cittadella dei Musei)

Aula Rossa

Cittadella dei Musei

Piazza Arsenale 1, Cagliari


Miguel G. Echevarria (PV)


In the last years a big progress has been made in the quark sector of TMDs, but the gluon sector is so far much less developed, due to the difficulty to cleanly probe gluons in high-energy processes.
A very promising way to access them, but also challenging, is through quarkonia production. However, a solid theoretical framework is still lacking.
In this talk I will present new developments towards a new formalism which, based on the effective field theory approach, allows to establish the needed factorization theorems to properly access gluon TMDs in quarkonia production.

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