
QGP and initial stage

5 Sept 2019, 16:00


QGP and initial stage: Theory 2

  • Elena Ferreiro (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)

QGP and initial stage: Theory 3

  • Jean-Philippe Lansberg (IPNO - Paris-Sud U. - CNRS/IN2P3)

Presentation materials

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Carlo Flore (CA)
05/09/2019, 16:25
Francois Arleo (LAPTH), François Arleo (Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet)
05/09/2019, 16:45
Gabriel Sophys
06/09/2019, 09:00
Christine Rasmussen
06/09/2019, 09:25
Burkhard Schmidt
06/09/2019, 09:50
Building timetable...