Jun 13 – 14, 2019
Europe/Rome timezone




The third meeting organised by the I.N.F.N. research network FLAG (FieLds And Gravity) is devoted to the fundamental gravitational interaction and the theoretical study of cosmology and black holes. Aim of the event is to bring together researchers in the fields of our network, present new ideas and stimulate discussion of topics at the frontier of physics. The programme will focus on black holes and entanglement, the the first day of the conference, followed by a second day devoted to cosmology.

A limited number of spots is available for presentations. Participants are encouraged to submit a title and abstract by sending an email to the organisers after registering. The organising committee will make the selection after the registration deadline.

The meeting will happen after the conference "Gravity and other fields under the vulcano


Group picture:




Museo Diocesano
Piazza Duomo, Via Etnea 8 - 95121 Catania