The course will be held in Camogli at Hotel Cenobio dei Dogi, where participants will be hosted.
Due to limited number of places available, attendance to the workshop is by invitation only.
INFN employee should enroll to the course through their local "Referente per la formazione", using the appropriate database. Selected people will be informed by early March 2019.
Accepted people will be required to contact directly the Hotel to book a room for their stay, by using the booking form that will be made available by the organizers.
A discounted price of 145 euro/night has been established with the Hotel. To take advantage of this price, we encourage all participants to book their room as soon as possible after getting confirmation of their enrollment to the course.
The discounted price is only available if booking is made through the form made available by the organizers. Any other booking form (for example online) will result in a higher price.
People interested in extending their stay in Camogli during days before or after the workshop the should manage this directly with the Hotel.