8–10 Apr 2019
Europe/Rome timezone

IDEA: a detector concept for future e+e- colliders

10 Apr 2019, 11:15
Frontiera dell'Energia Frontiera dell'Energia


Massimiliano Antonello (MI)


The foreseen future e+e- colliders aim to achieve extreme luminosity and measurement accuracy. This calls for detectors which are properly optimized for this environment and provide the required resolution. We present a detector concept, IDEA (Innovative Detector for Electron-positron Accelerators), that is specifically designed for these future machines and show its performance for a few benchmark processes.

Primary authors

Massimo Caccia (MI) Francesco Grancagnolo (LE) Franco Bedeschi (PI) Paolo Giacomelli (BO) Roberto Ferrari (PV) Roberto Tenchini (PI) Romualdo Santoro (MI) Biagio Di Micco (ROMA3) Giovanni Francesco Tassielli (LE) Lorenzo Pezzotti (PV) Massimiliano Antonello (MI) Patrizia Azzi (PD)

Presentation materials