CsI and BGO scintillators are available with large crystal sizes and utilized for veto detectors in X-/gamma-ray satellite missions. Since Si-PMs are compact and operated with low voltage, they are planned to be used the scintillation readout in future missions. We study the readout performance of the scintillation lights with the recently available Si-PMs (MPPCs) from Hamamatsu. Photonics K.K., 13360-6050CS and S14160-6050HS. They are both suitable for scintillators but slightly different in gain, dark current and photon detection efficiency (PDE). For 1cm3 CsI and BGO scintillators, S14160 shows the better energy resolution and achieve the lower energy threshold than S13360.
We think it is because the higher gain and PDE of S14160 overcomes the disadvantage of slightly more dark current.