Poster: Mini-talks
- Elisabetta Bissaldi (BA)
The Large Size Telescopes (LSTs) are the largest telescopes of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). Their cameras are equipped with 1855 photomultiplier tube (PMT) pixels with GHz readout, to image the flashes of Cherenkov light emitted from atmospheric air-showers initiated by cosmic gamma rays.
Silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) are becoming valid alternatives for PMTs, and in fact many of...
The aim of this work is to design a camera for gamma-ray imaging based on the coded mask technique widely used in astrophysics. The Camera will be made by 16 scintillators coupled with 16 SiPMs to have an instrument lightweigth, compact for real-time analysis, with low energy consumption. We built a prototype as proof of concept using 16 CsI scintillators doped with Tl (3x3x10 cm3). Each...
For the future data taking at LHC, the LHCb detector and in particular the tracking system is replaced to cope with the increased luminosity foreseen and a trigger-less read-out scheme. A scintillating fibre tracker with 500K channels and a total surface of (300 m$^2$) was developed, produced and is currently in the installation phase. One of the key components that enables the scintillating...
The aim of this work is to investigate the degradation induced by radiation on Dark Count Rate in a monolithic SPADs detector manufactured in a 150-nm CMOS process. This study has been done in order to check the suitability of CMOS SPADs for future applications requiring single-photon detection capability in radiation environments, like space or experiments at particle colliders.
For this...
Particle detectors based on liquid argon(LAr) have recently become recognized as an extremely attractive technology for the direct detection of dark matter as well as the measurement of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering(CEvNS). The Chinese argon group at Institute of High Energy Physics has been studying the LAr detector technology and a dual phase LAr detector has been operating...
The NDL-SiPM is a bulk resistor type SiPM. It is a SiPM with epitaxial quenching resistors (EQR). Now, it is planed to used in high engergy physics.This SiPM was tried to be used in CEPC hardonic callorimeter. Some properties of NDL-SiPM were tested such as PDE, corss talk, light ourput. The result show that this type SiPM can be one candidate of CEPC callorimeter.
CsI and BGO scintillators are available with large crystal sizes and utilized for veto detectors in X-/gamma-ray satellite missions. Since Si-PMs are compact and operated with low voltage, they are planned to be used the scintillation readout in future missions. We study the readout performance of the scintillation lights with the recently available Si-PMs (MPPCs) from Hamamatsu. Photonics...
According to the recent developments in fundamental and applied physics (i.e. calorimetry for high energy experiments and PET scanners in medical physics), Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) are the state-of-the-art sensors for light detection, sensitive to the single photons together with unprecedented counting capability. In addition, SiPMs provide significant advantages in terms of:
- cost...