Jan 22 – 24, 2019
Lloyd's Baia Hotel and University of Salerno
Europe/Rome timezone


The realization of unprecedented scientific endeavours, like the LHC, EU-XFEL, ESS and ITER Research Infrastructures, has been made possible thanks to the ‘de facto’ foundation of a European Technology Infrastructure formed by the Technological Facilities located at European research laboratories that are dedicated to the development of accelerator components and SC magnets, in collaboration with industry.

Representatives of 10 major European institutes in close collaboration with industry have been advancing this undertaking for two years. During the Second Annual meeting, AMICI partners will report the progress of the different work package activities and the status of the last deliverables. This meeting will also provide the opportunity for participants to share views on the post-AMICI phase and on the presentation to the European scientific community of our concept of the Technology Infrastructure and its possible implementation.

22 January 2019, Lloyd's Baia Hotel
AMICI workshop

23 January 2019, University of Salerno
AMICI Second Annual Meeting

24 January 2019, Lloyd's Baia Hotel
General Assembly meeting and Steering Committee meeting


Lloyd's Baia Hotel and University of Salerno