4–5 Nov 2009
Europe/Rome timezone
EuCARD is a common venture of 37 European Accelerator Laboratories, Institutes, Universities and Industrial Partners involved in accelerator sciences and technologies. The project, initiated by ESGARD, is an Integrating Activity co-funded by the European Commission under Framework Programme 7 for a duration of four years, starting April 1st, 2009. Its main goal is to upgrade the large European research accelerators by R&D on innovative concepts and techniques, thereby offering researchers the best facilities. This common venture will strengthen durable collaboration among the partners and will contribute to the development of world-class infrastructures, one of the main features of the European Research Area. The project is related to Grant Agreement n. 227579"EuCARD"
<b>Aula Direzione - Bldg 1, first floor</b>
Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
Agenda will be published in due time.