Session XIII
- Hans Geissel (GSI)
The Ion Guide Isotope Separator On-Line (IGISOL) facility in the JYFL Accelerator Laboratory offers versatile possibilities for nuclear structure studies via high-precision mass measurements as well as via decay and laser spectroscopy. In this presentation, I will focus on mass measurements recently performed with the JYFLTRAP Penning trap mass spectrometer. These include for example...
I report about the calculation of the nuclear matrix element involved in
neutrinoless double-β decay within the framework of the realistic shell
Starting from a realistic nucleon-nucleon potential, the effective
shell-model Hamiltonian and 0νββ-decay operator are derived by way of the
many-body perturbation theory.
The contributions to the effective shell-model operator due to...
Borromean nuclei are unique bound quantum systems with unbound sub-systems, that tend to appear in neutron-proton asymmetric isotopes at the edges of the nuclear landscape. Such weakly bound few-body systems can provide sensitive grounds for understanding the nuclear force through their structural properties and interaction. This presentation will describe different techniques of reaction...
The degree to which isospin symmetry is maintained across an isospin multiplet, and hence the extent to which the isospin quantum number can be considered pure, is matter of much contemporary interest. Tests of isospin purity have traditionally been undertaken through examination of the behaviour of the Isobaric Multiplet Mass Equation (IMME), with parabolic behaviour of the IMME of the lowest...