13–17 May 2019
Venice, Centro Culturale Don Orione Artigianelli
Europe/Rome timezone
NSD2019 Proceedings are now available online at www.epj-conferences.org

Topics and Invited Speakers

The conference will consist of Invited talks, regular talks and poster sessions. Oral presentations and posters will be selected on the basis of abstract submission.
Written contributions of papers presented at the conference will be published.

The list of Invited Speakers includes:
Peter Butler (Liverpool, UK), Manuela Cavallaro (LNS, Italy), Alexis Diaz Torres (Surrey, UK), Jerzy Dudek (IRES Strasbourg, France), Stefan Frauendorf (Notre Dame, USA), Alexandra Gade (NSCL, USA), Andres Gadea (IFIC Valencia, Spain), Liam Gaffney (CERN, Switzerland), Ronald Fernando Garcia-Ruiz (CERN, Switzerland), Andrea Gottardo (LNL, Italy), Nunzio Itaco (Caserta, Italy), Anu Kankainen (JYFL, Finland), Silvia MonicaLenzi (Padova, Italy), Silvia Leoni (Milano, Italy), Jesus Lubian (Niteroi, Brasil), Augusto Macchiavelli (LBNL, USA), Giovanna Montagnoli (Padova, Italy), Kosuke Nomura (JAEA, Japan), Nico Orce (Western Cape, South Africa), Rudrajyoti Palit (Mumbai, India), Eda Sahin (Oslo, Norway), Nicolae Sandulescu (Bucharest, Romania), Kazuyuki Sekizawa (Niigata, Japan), Darek Seweryniak (ANL, USA), Suzana Szilner (Zagreb Croatia), Xiaodong Tang (Lanchou, China), Aurora Tumino (Enna-LNS, Italy), Sait Umar (Vanderbilt, USA), Dario Vretenar (Zagreb, Croatia), Yutaka Watanabe (KEK WNSC, Japan), Kathrin Wimmer (Madrid, Spain)


  • Nuclear structure and reactions far from stability

  • Collective phenomena and symmetries

  • Dynamics and thermodynamics of light and heavy nuclei

  • Sub- and near-barrier reactions

  • Fusion and Fission dynamics

  • Ab initio calculations, cluster models and shell model

  • Nuclear energy density functionals

  • Nuclear astrophysics

  • Fundamental interactions