Session IX (Parallel Session)
- Dieter Ackermann (GANIL)
Heavy-ion multinucleon transfer reactions at around the Coulomb barrier offer unique opportunity to study a variety of non-equilibrium nuclear dynamics, such as energy dissipation, nucleon transfer, shape evolution, fusion, and so on. Besides the fundamental interest into the underlying reaction mechanism, it possesses substantial importance as a means for producing new, neutron-rich heavy...
Deuteron-induced reactions have a long and fruitful tradition in nuclear physics as an experimental tool for spectroscopy. They have been extensively used to study in detail the single-particle nature of the low-lying spectrum of the nuclear quantum many-body system. Standard reaction theory describing the direct population of sharp bound states have been very successful in extracting detailed...
Transfer reactions have always been of great importance for nuclear structure and reaction mechanism studies. With heavy ions it becomes feasible to transfer several nucleons and a considerable amount of energy and angular momenta from the relative motion to the intrinsic degrees of freedom. So far proton pickup channels have been identified in atomic and mass numbers at energies close to the...
Nowadays a perspective of production of heavy neutron-enriched nuclides encourages the scientists to investigate theoretically as well as experimentally the multinucleon transfer (MNT) reactions with heavy ions [1,2]. This type of reaction is occurred at low energies and leads to a variety of binary fragments formed around the projectile and target with dozens of transferred nucleons between...