Eleonora Teresia Gregor
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Information about the proton-neutron interaction can be obtained from nuclear states particularly sensitive to the proton-neutron degree of freedom, of which low-lying isovector states are representatives. The existence of a low-lying isovector octupole excitation in near-spherical nuclei, for which candidates were recently proposed, was tested. The assignment is based on strong M1 transitions to the first excited 3- level observed in neutron scattering and enhanced excitation cross sections in proton and electron scattering experiments. Neutron capture experiments on Mo-95 were performed at ILL Grenoble to test the experimental data the assignment is based upon. Several isovector excitations in Mo-96 could be confirmed or identified.
Primary author
Eleonora Teresia Gregor
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)