Wenbiao Yan
In this talk, I will talk about recent progresses by two-photon processes at Belle. (a) meson transition form factor (TFF), a important input for calculation of hadronic light-by-light scattering contribution, which is one of dominant theory uncertainty source to muon g-2. With single tag method, the pi0/f0(980)/f2(1270) TFF is presented in this talk. (b) The cross section of hadron pair production in no-tag measurements, is a good place to test (p)QCD prediction. The results of KsKs via gamma gamma fusion in low-W region is presented, and compared with that of pQCD calculation. (c) Similar to J/psi p, the phi p is interesting channel for exotic baryons. A search for exotic baryons is presented in gamma gamma -> p p-bar K+ K-.
Primary author
Wenbiao Yan