Connection to UHECR
- Jonathan Biteau (IPNO, Univ. Paris-Sud, Univ. Paris/Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3)
Andrew Taylor
24/01/2019, 14:40
Main track
Extreme blazars prove themselves to be efficient particles accelerators, giving rise to some of the highest energy, and hardest spectral emission of all blazars. The nature of processes giving rise to this emission remains, with both leptonic and hadronic scenarios being put forward. I will try to balance up the arguments for and against these two scenarios, highlighting potential means by...
Guenter Sigl
(Universität Hamburg)
24/01/2019, 15:20
Main track
Recently the Pierre Auger Observatory has observed a dipolar anisotropy of amplitude ~ 6.5% above 8 x 10^{18} eV that is unrelated to the Galactic plane. While the significance is largest above 8 x 10^{18} eV, the cosmic-ray data indicate a growth of the dipolar amplitude from 4 to 32 EeV and beyond.
Furthermore, above 4 x 10^{19} eV, indications have been found for intermediate-scale...
Armando di Matteo
(ULB, Brussels, Belgium)
24/01/2019, 15:40
Main track
The Telescope Array (TA), located in Millard County, Utah, US (39.3° N, 112.9° W, 1400 m a.s.l.), is the largest cosmic ray detector in the Northern Hemisphere.
Its main array for the study of cosmic rays with the highest energies (up to 100 EeV and beyond) consists of 507 surface detector (SD) stations on a 1.2 km-spacing square grid overlooked by 38 fluorescence detector (FD) telescopes at...