- Andrew Taylor
- Andrew Taylor
- Fabrizio Tavecchio
The launch of Fermi produced a significant number of AGN detections to allow statistical treatment of their properties. It confirmed the Blazar Sequence" established by EGRET and indicated a potentially novel one, namely that of the
Blazar Divide" in FSRQs and BL Lacs according to their gamma-ray spectral index and luminosity. An MHD accretion wind model that describes the distribution of...
With the advent of the IXPE (Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer) satellite
expected for launch in 2021, the study of the
X-ray polarization properties of several bright nearby sources
will become possible. Blazars are obvious candidates for X-ray
polarization observations.
For instance, a high degree of X-ray polarization is expected from
high-peaked blazars (HBL) because...