22–25 Jan 2019
Europe/Rome timezone

Exploring the activity of extreme Blazars and their observability through a neutrino telescope

24 Jan 2019, 12:20
Polo di Psicologia - room 3I (3rd floor, building 2) (Padova)

Polo di Psicologia - room 3I (3rd floor, building 2)


Via Venezia, 12-14 Padova
Talk Main track Connection to neutrinos


Dr Antonio Marinelli (INFN Pisa)


Among the various categories of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), Blazars are the most promising sources of TeV/PeV neutrinos, due to their high luminosity at very high-energy (VHE) range during the active periods. After the multi-wavelength observation of the TXS0506+056, with a extreme high energy (EHE) event of IceCube followed-up by a significant flaring emission registered by Fermi-LAT and MAGIC observatories, this hypothesis became even more solid. Here we present a sample of Bl-lacs and flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQ), from the 3FHL and 3FGL catalogs, spatially connected with the high energy starting events (HESE) track-like type and EHE events, for the study of their variability as well as the luminosity during their flaring activity. A specific focus is dedicated to the extreme Blazar TXS0506+056 with the analysis of the HE duty cycle and the spectral energy distribution (SED) features. The variability and the luminosity of these extreme sources are then correlated, through a hadronic emission process, with the possibility to observe them with a VHE neutrino telescope.

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Primary author

Dr Antonio Marinelli (INFN Pisa)


Mr Ankur Sharma (Dipartimento di fisica, Pisa) Dr Rodrigo Sacahui Reyes (Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala) Ms Mabel Osorio (Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala)

Presentation materials