22–25 Jan 2019
Europe/Rome timezone

The Extragalactic Background Light in the Fermi-LAT Era

24 Jan 2019, 17:20
Polo di Psicologia - room 3I (3rd floor, building 2) (Padova)

Polo di Psicologia - room 3I (3rd floor, building 2)


Via Venezia, 12-14 Padova
Talk Cosmology


Vaidehi Paliya (Clemson University)


The light emitted by all galaxies across the history of the Universe is encoded in the intensity of the extragalactic background light (EBL), the diffuse cosmic radiation field at ultraviolet, optical, and infrared wavelengths. The EBL is a source of opacity for high-energy γ rays via the photon-photon interaction (γγ → e+e−), leaving a characteristic attenuation imprint in the spectra of distant γ-ray sources. In this talk, I will report on an unprecedented measurement of the EBL using data from the Large Area Telescope on board the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, which has allowed us to derive the star-formation history of the Universe and estimate the number density of faint galaxies during the re-ionization epoch.

Primary author

Dr Ajello Marco (Clemson University)

Presentation materials