22–25 Jan 2019
Europe/Rome timezone

Extreme high frequency peaked BL Lac objects to constrain the infrared background light

24 Jan 2019, 18:10
Polo di Psicologia - room 3I (3rd floor, building 2) (Padova)

Polo di Psicologia - room 3I (3rd floor, building 2)


Via Venezia, 12-14 Padova
Talk Main track Cosmology


Prof. Alberto Franceschini (UNIPD)


Extreme High Frequency Peaked BL Lacs (EHBL) are the cosmic sources able to produce the highest energy photons in the Universe. They make a relatively rare population of objects, difficult to identify also because they are quite faint at the energies probed by the Fermi surveys. Based on a hard X-ray selection, Foffano et al. have uncovered a small subset of such population. We discuss in the present contribution the implications of observing them with Cherenkov telescopes with the aim of constraining the extragalactic diffuse background at far-infrared wavelengths, where it has never been observed because of the overwhelming dominance of the local foreground emissions.

Primary author

Prof. Alberto Franceschini (UNIPD)


Elisa Prandini (PD) Luca Foffano (PD) Simona Paiano (PD)

Presentation materials