4–7 Sept 2018
IKP, University of Cologne, Germany
Europe/Rome timezone

Participant List

40 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Alfio Pappalardo ELI - NP / IFIN - HH
Ana Ester Cabal Rodriguez CEADEN Cuba - University of Antwerp, Belgium
Andreas Hartmann Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Andrew Mcfarlane University of Manchester
Anton Såmark-Roth Lund University
Begoña Quintana University of Salamanca
Carl Unsworth University of Liverpool
Christian Lorenz Lund University
Christopher Everett University of Liverpool
Dan Judson University of Liverpool
Daniel Cox Lund University
Daniel Ricardo Napoli LNL - INFN
Daniela Reygadas Tello University of Brighton
Dejan Joković Institute of Physics Belgrade
Hilde De Witte KU Leuven
Janet Groves STFC Daresbury Laboratory
Jari Partanen University of Jyväskylä
Jari Tiainen University of Jyväskylä
Juergen Eberth University of Cologne
Kieran Green University of Liverpool
Liam McNicholl STFC Daresbury Laboratory
Magda Zielinska IRFU, CEA Saclay
Marcel Schilling TU Darmstadt
Marie-helene SIGWARD CNRS / IPHC
Matthias Laubenstein LNGS - INFN
Michalina Komorowska Heavy Ion Laboratory University of Warsaw
Michel Filliger CNRS / IPHC
Nikola Jovancevic Institut de Physique Nucléaire Orsay (IPN), CNRS/IN2P3
Pete Jones iThemba LABS
Rhiann Canavan University of Surrey
Roberto Cerroni LNGS - INFN
Saba Ansari IRFU, CEA Université Paris-Saclay
Stefan Stefanov iThemba LABS
Thomas Braunroth Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
Tomasz Abraham HIL / University of Warsaw
Toralf Döring Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Walter Raniero LNL - INFN
1 more participant