Oleg Malyshev
(STFC Daresbury Laboratory)
10/8/18, 10:20 AM
Perspective of thin film cavities in international projects
The ARIES H2020 collaboration has started in May 2017. One of the main goals of ARIES is to developing and demonstrating novel concepts and further improving existing accelerator technologies. A successful proposal for a work package on systematic studying and developing the superconducting thin film for superconducting RF cavities joint a team of 8 partners (research groups) from 7 countries....
Oliver Kugeler
10/8/18, 10:45 AM
Perspective of thin film cavities in international projects
The greatest challenges for wide-spread adoption of new applications of superconductivity remain the limited understanding of how to apply the fundamental principles on an engineering level and the capability to deploy the technology cost effectively on a large-scale.
EASITrain offers a cross-sectoral training program that is a fine blend of engineering, fundamental research and the...