• Open discussion:
A - Diversity
1. Who are the key actors for the deployment of Open Science repositories?
2. Is it possible to broadly categorize the type of information in Open Science repositories (Big-Science/Research, Citizen demographics, Social and Human Sciences, Law Studies, Cultural Heritage, Health, Environment, etc.)?
3. Can the above disparate communities use a common infrastructure?
4. What is the role of private companies and societal organisations?
B - Interoperability / Data handling
1. What are the lessons learnt from Big Science experiments that can be applied to “Long Tail of Science” groups?
2. What are the technical/political challenges to achieve full interoperability among Open Science repositories?
3. What is the correct granularity needed to define metadata semantics to satisfy the different community requirements?
4. What is the role of Data Stewardship?
5. Who owns the data?
6. Who is entitled to provide the certification of the quality of an Open Science repository?