14–16 ott 2009
Ettore Majorana Foundation
Europe/Rome fuso orario

Lista contributi

43 / 43
14/10/09, 14:00
oral presentation
Dr. Harald Lueck (AEI Hannover (MPI f. gravitational Physics / Inst. f. Grav.physics Leibniz Uni Hannover))
14/10/09, 14:10
Dr. Christian Ott (Caltech and Niels Bohr Institute)
14/10/09, 15:00
WP4: Astrophysics
Dr. Christian Van Den Broeck (Nikhef)
14/10/09, 15:40
WP4: Astrophysics
Dr. Martin Hendry
14/10/09, 16:00
Dr. Eliu Huerta (IoA, Cambridge)
14/10/09, 17:00
WP4: Astrophysics
Dr. Walter Del Pozzo (University of Birmingham)
14/10/09, 18:00
Dr. Leone Battista Bosi (INFN Perugia)
14/10/09, 18:20
Ettore Majorana (RM1)
15/10/09, 10:50
Fulvio Ricci (RM1)
15/10/09, 11:10
WP1: Site and Infrastructures
Prof. Jo van den Brand (Nikhef - VU)
16/10/09, 09:20
Alessio Rocchi (RM2)
16/10/09, 10:15
Dr. Harald Lueck (AEI Hannover (MPI f. gravitational Physics / Inst. f. Grav.physics Leibniz Uni Hannover))
16/10/09, 13:00
Dr. Gergely Debreczeni (MTA KFKI RMKI)