CERN operates a large number of beam intercepting devices in its accelerator complex, including particle-producing targets, beam shaping collimators, absorbers and dumps. These devices must be able to reliably operate when subjected to continuous beam impacts under regular and accident conditions, with extremely high deposited energy densities and high average power. In this framework, the EN/STI Group carries out the conceptual design, detailed design, procurement, assembling, operation and maintenance of these devices.
In this contribution, the speaker will detail the type and design characteristics of relevant beam intercepting devices and will focus the attention on devices with low-Z materials. An outline on the ongoing devices being built and assembled in the framework of the Large Hadron Collider Injectors Upgrade (LIU) and for the High-Luminosity HL (HL-LHC) Projects will be provided. R&D activities carried out in the Group, including material characterisation, beam impacts at the HiRadMat facility and radiation damage studies will be presented. Challenges of future projects requiring the next generation beam intercepting devices will be addressed.