We derive the form of the partition function in conformal gravity using an extended form of the Faddeev-Popov method. The method uses conformal gauge fixing and special (third) conformal ghosts. In this way, at one-loop, the theory is proven to be conformally invariant also on the quantum level without performing an additional final conformal transformation. The partition function is discussed on a general background as well as on Ricci-flat and maximally symmetric.
We derive the form of the partition function in conformal gravity using an extended form of the Faddeev-Popov method. The method uses conformal gauge fixing and special (third) conformal ghosts. In this way, at one-loop, the theory is proven to be conformally invariant also on the quantum level without performing an additional final conformal transformation. The partition function is discussed on a general background as well as on Ricci-flat and maximally symmetric.