19–21 Feb 2019
"Sapienza" University, Phys. Dept. Marconi
Europe/Rome timezone

Correspondence Between Ricci-Based Theories of Gravity and General Relativity

20 Feb 2019, 18:23
I Floor (Phys. Dept. Marconi)

I Floor

Phys. Dept. Marconi

poster General Relativity and Cosmology Poster session


Dr Emanuele Orazi


Driven by the the fact that a wide family of Ricci-based metric-affine theories of gravity can be reduced to a metric compatible framework, a formal correspondence between the space of solutions of these generalized gravity theories and the space of solutions of general relativity will be presented. The correspondence will be detailed in the cases where modified gravity is coupled to scalar and charged matter. These results allows to use well-established methods and results from General relativity to explore new gravitational physics beyond it.

The presentation will be based on the following recent publications : arXiv:1810.04239, arXiv:1807.06385, arXiv:1705.03806.

Primary author

Dr Emanuele Orazi

Presentation materials

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