19–21 feb 2019
"Sapienza" University, Phys. Dept. Marconi
Europe/Rome fuso orario

On the viability of regular black holes

20 feb 2019, 18:40
I Floor (Phys. Dept. Marconi)

I Floor

Phys. Dept. Marconi

poster Beyond Einstein's Gravity Poster session


Francesco Di Filippo (SISSA)


Regular models of black holes replace the central singularity with a
nonsingular spacetime region, in which an effective classical geometric
description is available. It has been argued that these models provide
an effective, but complete, description of the evaporation of black
holes at all times up to their eventual disappearance. However, I will
show that known models fail to be self-consistent: the regular core is
exponentially unstable against perturbations with a finite timescale,
while the evaporation time is infinite, therefore making the instability
impossible to prevent.

Autori principali

Dr. Costantino Pacilio Francesco Di Filippo (SISSA) Matt Visser (School of Mathematics and Statistics, Victoria University of Wellington) Raúl Carballo-Rubio (TS) Stefano Liberati (TS)

Materiali di presentazione

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