
Calibration and Simulation

20 Jul 2018, 16:30
Auditorium (Centro Congressi Federico II)


Centro Congressi Federico II

Via Partenope, 36 - 80121 Napoli (Italy)

Presentation materials

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Dr Bruno Strandberg (Nikhef)
20/07/2018, 16:30
Mr Jonas Reubelt (Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics)
20/07/2018, 17:00
Tomoyo Yoshida (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
21/07/2018, 09:00
Drakopoulou Evangelia (Edinburg University)
21/07/2018, 09:30
Vladimir Kulikovskiy (GE)
21/07/2018, 10:00
Mr Marco Grassi (APC - IN2P3 - CNRS)
21/07/2018, 11:30
Dr Mark Hartz
21/07/2018, 12:00
Building timetable...