S4.2 Charged Beams Shaping & Diagnostics
Gianluca Cavoto
27/09/2018, 09:00
Oral presentation
The parasitic non-resonant beam extraction aided with bent crystals is an interesting solution to direct the LHC high energy particles to external targets. This would open new opportunities in the study of hadronic interactions in a kinematic range not easily accessible before.
I will review the status of the ERC funded CRYSBEAM project. The aims of CRYSBEAM were to develop high quality ...
Francesca Galluccio
27/09/2018, 09:30
Oral presentation
The UA9 experiment is installed in the CERN SPS since 2009 with the aim of investigating the coherent interaction of high energy particle beams with crystalline materials, and ultimately of demonstrating the feasibility of crystal-aided beam halo collimation in high energy particle colliders such as the LHC.
Recently the scope of the UA9 experiment has been extended to new investigations...
Aleksandr Savchenko
(NRNU MEPhI, Russia, Moscow)
27/09/2018, 09:45
Oral presentation
X-ray transition radiation (XTR) is known to be the only precise instrument for identification of charged particles with a Lorentz factor more than 1000. With increasing of charged particle energies at modern and future colliders a separation of high energy collision products becomes a complicated task. A further development of the XTR detector techniques is required for many physics studies....
Enrico Bagli
27/09/2018, 10:00
Oral presentation
The atomic order of a crystalline structure generates an electrostatic field capable of confining charged particle trajectories. Depending on the charge sign, points of equilibrium of the oscillatory motion under channeling lie between or on atomic planes for positive and negative particles, respectively. This forces positive particles to stably oscillate far from the planes, while negative...
Marco Romagnoni
27/09/2018, 10:15
Oral presentation
Bent crystals can be efficiently employed to steer high energy particles via channeling. To achieve optimal performances several strict conditions must be satisfied, such as a homogeneous curvature and a high lattice quality. While for small bending angles up to few hundreds of microradians several solutions have already been deployed, for larger deflection angles in the range of 1-15...
Marco Garattini
(CERN, Imperial College London)
27/09/2018, 10:30
Oral presentation
A new experimental method able to study inelastic nuclear interactions of high energy positive charged particles with bent crystals has been developed. This new approach permits precise measurements of this interaction rate for different crystal orientations, providing the interaction reduction factor both in planar and axial channeling, with respect to the amorphous case. Moreover, using a...
edward tsyganov
(cold fusion power int)
27/09/2018, 10:45
Oral presentation
Chemical energy sources (oil and gas) will run out in the next 30-50 years. In addition to the depletion of these sources, there is a so-called greenhouse effect, which imposes severe restrictions on the use of chemical fuels.
Nuclear reactors use uranium and thorium reserves of fissile materials that will last for no more than 100–200 years. In addition, the problem to hide the radioactive...