S5.1 Novel Sources: FEL/Laser/Plasma
- Sultan Dabagov (LNF)
Giuseppe Dattoli
25/09/2018, 16:50
Oral presentation
Review of undulator based Free Electron laser (U-FEL) theory
Review of CARM (Coherent Auto Resonance Maser) theory
Analysis of analogies and differences
Development of a common theoretical framework
Presentation of the ENEA Frascati CARM experiment
Peter Kazinski
(Tomsk State University)
25/09/2018, 17:20
Oral presentation
It is known [1,2] that the radiation produced by classical sources may possess a well-defined projection of the angular momentum. Such a radiation is convenient to represent as a collection of the so-called twisted photons, i.e., the photons with definite the energy, the longitudinal projection of momentum, the projection of the total angular momentum, and the helicity. At present, the twisted...
Lixin YAN
(Accelerator Lab, Tsinghua University, Beijing)
25/09/2018, 17:35
Oral presentation
Recently, the dual color X-rays production from Thomson/Compton sources has been demonstrated on the high brightness linac at Accelerator Laboratory of Tsinghua University (THU). We present two simple schemes for producing two-color Thomson/Compton radiation with the possibility of controlling time separation of the two different colors, respectively based on the interaction of one single...
yuan zhao
25/09/2018, 17:50
Oral presentation
In the realm of quantum dynamics, electrons can absorb one or several photons and emit a photon with higher energy through Compton scattering. A novel scheme, i.e. using electrons accelerated by laser-plasma interaction to collide head-on with laser to create ultra-bright γ-rays has already attracted lots of attention in the past decades. However, the number of accelerated electrons is limited...
Alexander Lobko
(Institute for Nuclear Problems, Belarusian State University)
25/09/2018, 18:05
Oral presentation
Evaluation of crystal effects in the PWO scintillator of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter showed that the peak of the electromagnetic shower shifts by 2-4 radiation lengths to its entry surface [1]. Shower development acceleration also affects timing resolution of a crystal calorimeter. In current study we used the similar approach like in [1], in order to get in-depth understanding of PWO...
Yangmei Li
(University of Manchester, Cockcroft Institute)
25/09/2018, 18:20
Oral presentation
Unlike electrons, it is difficult to accelerate positrons in the blowout regime as the positive charges are quickly expelled away from the bubble by the background ions therein. To obtain an acceptable efficiency, it requires precisely placing the positrons in the narrow region of plasma electrons with a peak density. In addition, the transverse nonlinearity of the accelerating field results...