S1.2 Channeling & Radiations in Crystals
- Augusto Marcelli (LNF)
Nicola Neri
24/09/2018, 11:20
Oral presentation
We propose a unique program of measurements of electric and magnetic dipole moments of charm, beauty and strange charged baryons at the LHC, based on the phenomenon of spin precession of channeled particles in bent crystals. Studies of crystal channeling and spin precession of positively- and negatively-charged particles based also on GEANT4 simulations are presented, along with feasibility...
Vladimir Baryshevsky
(Belarusian state University, Institute for Nuclear Problems)
24/09/2018, 11:50
Oral presentation
Spin rotation of channelled particles at the LHC enables measuring constants, which determine Todd, Podd (CP) violating interactions and Podd, Teven interactions of baryons with electrons and nucleus, similarly to possibility of measuring electric and magnetic moments of charm, beauty and strange baryons.
For a particle moving in a bent crystal a new effect, which is caused by nonelastic...
Roberto Rossi
24/09/2018, 12:05
Oral presentation
The Crystal Collimation layout present in LHC provides, since 2015, a unique test stand for hadron beam manipulation at TeV energy. The two crystals installed in 2014 were used to investigate the performance of the crystal collimation system in LHC. The data collected were used to probe the channeling, and the other coherent effect related, of hadrons with bent crystal in this specific...
Sergei Abdrashitov
(National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University)
24/09/2018, 12:20
Oral presentation
As known the radiation of high-energy electrons in aligned crystalline target (radiator) and subsequent electron-positron pair production in downstream amorphous target (convertor), so called a “hybrid” solution [1, 2], might be an effective positron source.
Here we investigate the dependence of total positron yield and positron energy spectra on incident electron beam energy by means of...
24/09/2018, 12:35
Oral presentation
The important enhancement in photon generation due to channeling radiation in oriented crystals, with respect to ordinary bremsstrahlung, was observed experimentally at CERN and KEK. Positron sources using crystals have been extensively studied . Devices associating crystal-radiators and amorphous converters with a sweeping magnet between them, the so-called hybrid source, have been adopted by...
Alexander Shchagin
(Kharkov Institute of Physics and Tecknology)
24/09/2018, 12:50
Oral presentation
Comparison of parametric X-ray radiation and diffracted transition radiation
A.V. Shchagin
Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, 308015, Russia
Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkov 61108, Ukraine
Ultra-relativistic charged particle incident a crystal emits both diffracted transition radiation (DTR) and parametric X-ray radiation [1]. Both kinds of...