23–28 Sept 2018
Europe/Rome timezone

Science Communication: a New Frontier of Researcher’s Job

23 Sept 2018, 16:15
Oral presentation Channeling Primer


Giovanni Mazzitelli (LNF)


In the world of communication, nobody can be out of the fray! Since many years the science communication and more in general the ability of a researcher to communicate his work to founding agency, policy makers, entrepreneurs and public at large, starts to be a fundamental skill of the researcher’s job. This skill is needed and requested to access funds and successfully disseminate the research outcome, as well as to engage society in understanding science and its benefits. Moreover, due to the large decrease of research funds and of people starting scientific carrier, researchers have to be in the front line to promote the scientific culture in order to invert the dreadful trend of last years. Where we are and where we are going? We will make the point on that introducing successful models that everybody can apply without huge overloads for our job.

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