Alexander Kubankin
(Belgorod National Research University)
Esteban Irribarra
(Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador)Mr
Ivan Kishin
(Belgorod National Research University)Mr
Ramazan Nazhmudinov
(Belgorod National Research University)
Parametric X-ray Radiation (PXR) from a tungsten powder was registered during the interaction of the target with a 7 MeV electron beam. The tungsten powder presents a purity of 99,987 % and is constituted of crystallites which average size is between 0.8 and 1.7 µm. The radiation was registered by silicon drift detectors under observation angles of 150˚ and 180˚ regarding the velocity of the incident electrons. PXR peaks from the crystallographic planes (110), (200), (211), (220), (310) и (222) were clearly observed simultaneously.
The experimental results show a good agreement with the theory [1] in both geometries for all the PXR peaks for the first time. In previous works, the influence of texture [2,3] and composition of the target [4] caused a disagreement of the observed relative intensity of the PXR peaks with the theory.
The work was supported by the grant of the President of Russia for young doctors of sciences MD-5748.2018.2, a Program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for higher education establishments, Project No. 3.1631.2017/4.6 and by the project No. PIJ-16-03 of the Escuela Politécnica Nacional.
[1] V. Astapenko, N. Nasonov, P. Zhukova. Anomalous peak in the spectrum of polarizational bremsstrahlung from relativistic electrons moving through a solid target, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 40 (2007) 1337-1346.
[2] V.I. Alekseev, A.N. Eliseev, E.F. Irribarra, I.A. Kishin, A.S. Kubankin, R.M. Nazh-mudinov, et al., Research of the polarization bremsstrahlung of relativistic elec-trons in polycrystalline targets, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. B, Beam Interact. Mater. Atoms 342 (2015) 47–51.
[3] Y. Takabayashi, I. Endo, K. Ueda, C. Moriyoshi, A.V. Shchagin, Nucl. Instr. Meth.
Phys. Res. B 195 (2006) 453.
[4] V.I. Alekseev, A.N. Eliseev, E.F. Irribarra, I.A. Kishin, A.S. Kubankin, R.M. Nazh-mudinov, et al., Parametric X-ray radiation from powders, Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures RREPS 2017.
Primary authors
Alexander Eliseyev
(P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute RAS)
Alexander Kubankin
(Belgorod National Research University)
Esteban Irribarra
(Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador)
Ivan Kishin
(Belgorod National Research University)
Polina Zhukova
(Belgorod National Research University)
Ramazan Nazhmudinov
(Belgorod National Research University)
Valentina Nasonova
(Belgorod National Research University)
Vladimir Alexeyev
(P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute RAS)