Luciano Velardi
(Università del Salento, Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, LEAS Laboratory, Lecce)
We present a new method for the hydrogen enrichment of targets for high-power laser-matter interaction. Transition metals (Ta, Ti, Nb, Pd) are known as good H2 adsorbers. After a laser cleaning process (by KrF excimer laser) of thin samples (thickness ~ 10 µm) a constant flow of H2 (6.0 pure) was maintained inside the vessel. Next, we exposed the metal foils to excimer laser irradiation (1500 pulses) in order to promote adhesion of the hydrogen. We tested the targets at Lecce and Frascati laboratories. Measurements performed on Ti targets showed an increase (a factor ~ 4, up to 5×109 protons/shot) of proton yield with respect to reference targets not enriched in Hydrogen.
Primary author
Luciano Velardi
(Università del Salento, Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, LEAS Laboratory, Lecce)
Alberto Fazzi
Anna Paola Caricato
Danilo Giulietti
Dario Augusto Giove
Domenico Delle Side
Fabrizio Consoli
(ENEA - Centro Ricerche Frascati)
Giorgio Di Giorgio
(ENEA, Centro Ricerche, Frascati, Dipartmento FNS, Italy)
Giuseppe Cristofari
(ENEA, Centro Ricerche, Frascati, Dipartmento FNS, Italy)
Lorenzo Torrisi
(Dipartimento MIFT, Università di Messina, Italy)
Mattia Cipriani
(ENEA - CR Frascati)
Pierluigi Andreoli
(ENEA, Centro Ricerche, Frascati, Dipartmento FNS, Italy)
Riccardo De Angelis De Angelis
Vincenzo Nassisi