23–28 set 2018
Europe/Rome fuso orario

Current status of Russian 4th generation Specialized Synchrotron Radiation Source SSRS-4

28 set 2018, 09:30


Dr. Sergey Polozov (NRNU MEPhI)


In this report we present new information about one of the largest Russian scientific projects, a new and advanced 6 GeV 4-th generation radiation facility based on both synchrotron and FEL radiation. The report summarizes the results of preliminary research of SSRS4 general layout and accelerator complex parameters.

Autore principale

Dr. Sergey Polozov (NRNU MEPhI)


Dr. Alexey Tishchenko (National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI") Dr. Timur Kulevoy (ITEP)

Materiali di presentazione