23–28 Sept 2018
Europe/Rome timezone

Radiation from a Dielectrically Loaded Waveguide with Open End

24 Sept 2018, 18:40


Dr Sergey Galyamin (Saint Petersburg State University)


In this report, we study electromagnetic field produced by a charged particle bunch exiting an open-ended circular waveguide with dielectric filling placed inside collinear vacuum waveguide of a larger radius. We suppose that the bunch is prolonged along its trajectory and negligibly thin in the orthogonal direction. Based on the previously developed theory, we mainly investigate Cherenkov radiation generated in dielectric section and penetrated vacuum regions of the structure due to the diffraction mechanism. We pay the main attention to the case of a train of short bunches resulting in high-order Cherenkov modes excitation. We also develop analytical procedure allowing performing the limiting process to the case of infinite radius of the outer waveguide.

Primary author

Dr Sergey Galyamin (Saint Petersburg State University)


Dr Andrey Tyukhtin (Saint Petersburg State University) Dr Viktor Vorobev (Saint Petersburg State University)

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