23–28 set 2018
Europe/Rome fuso orario

Charged Particle Bunch Radiation in Cherenkov Concentrator

24 set 2018, 18:40


Dr. Sergey Galyamin (Saint Petersburg State University)


We continue investigation of radiation produced by a charged particle bunch moving through the concentrator for Cherenkov radiation. We take into account a series of issues affecting the dimensions of the focal spot and distribution of the field across this area. It is reasonable to take into account finite length of the bunch and a small shift of the bunch from the axis. Moreover, it is useful to consider target geometry without sharp “nose” to reduce parasitic multiple reflections in this area. In the second place, we consider interaction between the bunch and radiation pulse within the focal spot.

Autore principale

Dr. Sergey Galyamin (Saint Petersburg State University)


Prof. Andrey Tyukhtin (Saint Petersburg State University) Dr. Viktor Vorobev (Saint Petersburg State University)

Materiali di presentazione

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