23–28 Sept 2018
Europe/Rome timezone

Radiation of a Bunch in a Waveguide with a Semibounded Anisotropic Dielectric

24 Sept 2018, 18:40


Dr Tatiana Alekhina (SPbSU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia)


Investigation of the field of a particle bunch in a waveguide loaded with dielectric is important for the wakefield acceleration technique and for other problems in the accelerator physics. Problems of producing high acceleration fields bring to study more effective methods, for example, with using anisotropic materials. Here we study the dielectric anisotropy influence on radiation of a bunch in a dielectric loaded waveguide with a transversal border. We investigate two instances: the bunch flies from a vacuum into the dielectric and, inversely, from the dielectric into a vacuum. We make a comparison with the analogous problems with isotropic dielectric.

Primary author

Dr Tatiana Alekhina (SPbSU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia)


Prof. Andrey Tyukhtin (St. Petersburg State University)

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