23–28 Sept 2018
Europe/Rome timezone

Measurement of Gamma Radiation Beam Profile in the Cross Section by Analyzing of Cherenkov Radiation Generated in the Fiber during Multi-Angle Scanning

26 Sept 2018, 18:40


Mr Sergei Stuchebrov (Tomsk Polytechnic University)


The report presents result of experimental measurement of gamma radiation beam profile in the cross section. The measurement done using radioactive gamma source Со60. Dielectric fiber located under different angles in the scanned plane is used as sensitive detector. The interaction between gamma radiation and dielectric material causes creation of electrons with energy sufficient to generate Cherenkov radiation [1], which is further registered by photomultiplier [2]. The definition of the beam profile in the cross section is provided by the reconstruction of the gamma radiation intensity dependence on the spatial coordinates in the measured plane Iɣ(y,z) from generated in the fiber Cherenkov radiation intensity dependence on fiber location ICh(s,φ). To obtain such dependencies, an installation that allows to move the fiber in the measured plane has been created. The movement of the fiber is made translationally in the measured plane perpendicular to the gamma-ray beam in the s direction. After that, the scanning angle φ is changed to the predetermined value and the measurement is repeated. The intensity of generation of Cherenkov radiation depends on the total intensity of gamma radiation that has fallen on the fiber. Generated Cherenkov radiation is guided by the fiber to silicon photomultiplier. The recording device records The dependence of the signal intensity on the photomultiplier ICh on the fiber location s and on the angle of fiber orientation φ is recording by the PC. After that, using the inverse Radon transformation the gamma radiation intensity distribution in the primary beam cross-section Iɣ is reconstructed from the set of recorded data. The advantaged of the used in the experiment device is that scanning element and the detector is essentially the same. The latter provides rather simple construction of the device and increases reliability [3]. References 1. J.V. Jelley, Cherenkov radiation and its applications, Pergamon, London, U.K., (1958). 2. Sensl MicroSB silicon photomultiplier technical user manual, http://sensl.com/downloads/ds/DS-MicroJseries.pdf. 3. A.V. Vukolov et al., Russ. Phys. J. 59 (2017) 1681.

Primary author

Mr Sergei Stuchebrov (Tomsk Polytechnic University)


Ms Angelina Krasnykh (Tomsk Polytechnic University) Ms Irina Miloichikova (Tomsk Polytechic University) Mr Yury Cherepennikov (Tomsk Polytechnic University)

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