Mar 1 – 2, 2018
Europe/Rome timezone

LISA data challenge

Mar 1, 2018, 5:10 PM
Sala degli Anziani (Palazzo Moroni)

Sala degli Anziani

Palazzo Moroni


Dr Antoine PETITEAU (APC - Université Paris-Diderot)


The LISA is an approved L3 ESA-NASA mission which aims at detecting gravitational wave signal in the milli-Hertz band. We are organizing set of LISA data challenges. The objectives of these challenges are 3-fold: (i) to release the data set which respects the latest changes in the LISA design and follows certain standards, this data will be open to anyone who wants to try their own data analysis methods (ii) to build and organize a community interested in the LISA science (iii) to build the prototype of the end-to-end pipeline for the LISA data analysis. In this talk I will describe the first data challenge in details.

Primary author

Presentation materials