1–2 Mar 2018
Europe/Rome timezone


The symposium will be held in the hystoric Palazzo Moroni, which hosts the Padova City Hall.

The palace has two entrances, from via 8 Febbraio, 8 and from via del Municipio, 1. Both entrances will bring you to the central yard, from where you will have to take the staircase to the first floor, where you will find indication on how to reach the conference rooms.

Due to organizational constraints, a different room will be used each day:
  • March 1st: Sala degli Anziani, on your left when you reach the top of the staris.
  • March 2nd: Sala Paladin, on your left when you reach the top of the staris.

The nearest tram stop is PONTI ROMANI in Riviera dei Ponti Romani. You can use Google Maps to calculate the best route to reach the venue, either by foot or public transportation. If you are moving by car (not advised), you will have to find a parking outside of the city center, and reach the palace by foot, as it is located in an area restricted to motorized vehicles.