Jun 8 – 10, 2018
Villa Orlandi, Anacapri, Capri Island, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone



The registration for the workshop is open until April 30, 2018. Participation is by invitation only. Participation can be requested by writing to Prof. Giulia Ricciardi (chairperson) or to any member of the organizing committee.
The registration fee for the Seventh Workshop on Theory, Phenomenology and Experiments in Flavour Physics is € 250,00 - (EUR) and covers coffee breaks, social dinner, social programme and proceedings. Instruction for the payment of the fee will be sent individually to all participants.

Please register here
Registration Form Workshop FPCapri2018

The view the participant list click here

The registration fee for the accompanying person is €100. It includes all social activities and is paid in cash at the venue.


This year the workshop is connected to the MITP program The future of BSM physics. Accepted participants of the full MITP program, i.e. program and workshop,  are automatically accepted and registered to the workshop.